Orchestra rehearsal

There is an Instrumental Awards scheme to promote chamber music amongst students of the University. It is an intercollegiate scheme which is open to students at all Cambridge Colleges.


Please first of all see the standard needed and which instruments this applies to

If you meet the criteria, please then read the Instrumental Awards information on the University website for further information and to access the application form.


The deadline for 2022 entry offer holders who would like to apply for an Instrumental Award is 25 February 2022. Auditions take place just before the beginning of your first term in mid-September 2022.

If your offer is for 2023 entry, you would apply next year.

Practical information for students with auditions

If you get an audition, once you receive the email confirming the date, you'll need to contact the Christ's tutorial office about arriving in Cambridge early. Please contact the Tutorial Office tutorial@christs.cam.ac.uk if you will need early access to your accommodation due to instrumental auditions. Please start any email with your offer holder details as you are used to doing for emails to admissions@christs.cam.ac.uk.


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