Student's visiting the Master's garden

If you are attending our August/September 2022 Bridging Course, this page will keep you updated with further information (if you are not sure if this is relevant, please see the FAQ's).

What is the Bridging Course?

The Bridging Course is a collaboration between Christ's, Gonville & Caius and King's Colleges. This is a unique opportunity providing some extra support to a small number of new students across the three Colleges for the transition to studying at Cambridge. Overall it should be enjoyable and it should help you to feel a bit more ready for starting your course in October.

During the course, the selected students will participate in a range of both academic and social sessions to help familiarise themselves with the city, their colleges and being a student at Cambridge. It's a fantastic chance to find your feet ahead of October as well as getting to meet other students from across Cambridge in a variety of subjects. Academic sessions will incorporate both more general sessions and those specific to the subject area, with the aim of refining study skills, whilst a variety of social activities will allow you to meet both incoming first years and some current undergraduates. Every participant in the programme will also have a current undergraduate from their own college to support them in the transition to Cambridge. 

'It's a great opportunity to gain an insight into your workload, the social side of college and boost your confidence before you get here.' - Bridging Course Participant 2021

When does the Bridging Course take place?

The Bridging Course will be held from Monday 29th August to Friday 9th September 2022. 

29th August - 3rd September will be held in-person in Cambridge, and the remainder of the course will be delivered online. No sessions will be held over the weekend, but accommodation is provided until the Saturday 3rd September to give you sufficient time to travel home or spend a bit more time in Cambridge before doing so.

Is there a cost?

No. The Bridging Course is entirely free and will include accommodation and meals for the duration of the stay, plus financial assistance with travel and other costs. Students will stay in accommodation at their own college.

A-Level Results, Offer Conditions & The Bridging Course

The Bridging Course is a part of your offer conditions at Christ's. To meet the conditions of your offer, you will need to:

a) meet the grades required in your A-Levels (or equivalent qualification); AND 

b) you need to attend the course (but there's nothing to pass and nothing is graded - it is just that you have attended it).

Once you have arrived for the Bridging Course, we will then be able to process everything and get your UCAS Hub to update and show you as confirmed. This will mean that it won't show you as confirmed on results day itself, but please do not worry about this - it will just be delayed until you have attended the course.


The 2022 Bridging Course

'I have really enjoyed the bridging course and think it has been a great opportunity to meet people that have a similar background to me, which was a huge worry beforehand. I think the course is a great idea and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in it!' - Bridging Course Participant 2021

NB. If we have not sent you emails about the Bridging Course then this page is not relevant.

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