We asked some of the previous Christ's English Taster Day/Series participants what they would say to future students considering an application for the event. Here's what they said!Paradise Lost book

  • "The taster day was incredibly helpful! It gave me an insight into life at Christ's and thoroughly enjoyed the lectures and workshops given."
  • "Talking to current students was invaluable; it gave me a strong sense of what it is like to study English at Cambridge."
  • "Definitely worth attending! I learnt so much about life at Cambridge and really enjoyed the deep dive into Paradise Lost."
  • "The Taster day was a wonderful experience, listening to the Cambridge lecturers has certainly given me a greater appreciation of Milton's work, I learnt a lot of valuable information and skills."
  • "I found the Christ's taster day a great extension of my learning at A-Level, as lots of the content was directly relevant to my course. From learning more about Milton's life, I was able to see how it directly influenced his poetry, as he explored his blindness in a religious context in two of the poems that we were able to study. The sessions made me more confident to challenge traditional assumptions that we have about literature and provided me with excellent points for my schoolwork!"
  • "This was a really useful experience that helped affirm my passion for the subject and encouraged me to be more ambitious in the future."
  • "The Taster Day was a great opportunity to experience the style of lecture and teaching that will be apparent at university, as well as giving an insight into Christ's College itself."
  • "I wholly and utterly support applying for the Taster Day as it gave me a feel for what university life is like by answering relevant questions and involving me in activities that challenged my mind to infer deeper into poetry itself."
  • "I believe that the experience acted as a fascinating and gripping day for all attending prospective English Literature students, whilst providing us with an opportunity to engage with Lecturers."

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