Students who enjoy Art will normally take part in Christ's Art Society (CAS) activities. This is a popular creative outlet for the College, and a space to exchange ideas and work, learn or develop specific skills and critically engage and interrogate the place of the creative arts within College and everyday life.

The Society runs weekly workshops, which focus on different materials and processes. You can try new methods/experiences or develop any skills/experience you already have, and it's fun to do this alongside other students.

During the Covid-19 pandemic the Society continued to be very active and was able to run in-person workshops as well as projects and competitions, providing lots of opportunities for people to get involved. They created this online gallery to showcase student creative work.

In the first week in Cambridge, new students attend the Christ's Freshers Fair and can chat with students at the Christ's Art Society stand there to find out more.

Student life / Poetry / Board Games Society / Christ's Films / Horticultural & Botanical Society / C'Reps