What is San and Deliver service?
  • If you are unable to come to the library library staff can scan a book chapter or journal articles you need and email them to you.
  • Alternatively we welcome any non medical worker or your support worker to help you with printing, copying or scanning. 
  • If you are registered with the Disability Resource Center you are entitled to an exemption in the Copyright Law and library staff are happy to direct you to the relevant services for a more extensive Scan and Deliver service.


Copyright for disability

Copying relating to disabled persons: copies for personal use. This enables either the disabled person or a person acting on their behalf (e.g. a librarian) to make an accessible copy of a work without infringing copyright, so long as:

a) the disabled person has lawful access to a copy of the whole or part of the work; and

b) the person's disability prevents the person from enjoying the work to the same degree as a person who does not have that disability

For full details of this section of the Act see:
