What is Click and Collect?

Click and collect" is a service that is available to all students . Send us an email at library@christs.cam.ac.uk to request the books you want and we will reserve it for you.

  • We will find the books for you
  • Notify you via  email when the books are ready for collection. Books can be collected and returned to the library at any time during the day, 7 days a week.
  • You will need to issue the books on your account. You can do so by using the self-issue machines in the library , first floor. Alternatevly you can send library staff an email at library@christs.cam.ac.uk as we can remotely issue the books onto your account.

Library staff are available to fetch books on Mondays to Fridays, 9-1 and 2-5.


How do I use the service?

Just send us an email at library@christs.cam.ac.uk with a list of your books (title, author, classmark or iDiscover link) or your enquiry. 

Library staff are available to fetch books on Mondays to Fridays, 9-1 and 2-5. Books can be collected and returned to the library at any time during the day, 7 days a week.


Who can collect my books?

If you are unable to come into the library, you can ask a fellow student to collect the books for you. As an alternative we can deliver books to you if you are having to self-isolate.

Contact us if you have any questions at library@christs.cam.ac.uk.


When and where can I collect or return my books?

Books can be collected and returned to the library at any time during the day, 7 days a week.


What about my books from other libraries?

Each library has their own renew and return policy during this time. Unfortunately we cannot return or renew your books from other libraries for you. You may renew your books through your library account or contact the library the books are from. Contact information on the Cambridge University libraries can be found on
