Fantastic Dissertations and Where to Find Them

Fusty, tweed-ridden English Professors spluttering Earl Grey over the very idea of you studying anything other than Eliot or Shakespeare in your third year. Mutton-chopped, monocled Historians taking your radical ideas about investigating something from the last fifty years and telling you where to shove them. Linen-suited, louche Music Fellows raising a lacquered eyebrow at the idea of comparing Mozart to Hip-Hop.
This might be what you’d expect from Cambridge’s arts and humanities courses, but we hope that if you choose to study with us you’d be pleasantly surprised at what you can study within your subject area.
To illustrate this, we asked some of our third year students to tell us about some of the weird and wonderful things they were writing about in their dissertations, so that we could bust the above myths about Cambridge. We’ve published their submissions here for you to explore, and we hope you'll find them interesting. Follow the links on the left to see how far the rabbit hole goes, and make use of the further exploration links at the bottom of each piece if you're intrigued. Who knows, it could be you studying these weird and wonderful things in a few years time... ;